Quality Hotel & Resort Vøringfoss Eidfjord
Eidfjord, Norge
Quality Hotel & Resort Vøringsfoss lies like a pearl in the grandiose surrounding nature.
Situated completely on the edge of the water by the deep blue Eidfjorden with the nature reserve Hardangervidda as its nearest neighbour, this hotel offers close contact with nature. The hotel has been runing since 1889 and can offer a historic and balancing atmosphere in natural surroundings.
Only 4.5 hours from Oslo and 2.5 hours from Bergen, it is not far to get to a unique hotel experience. The amazing nature outside the hotel is supplemened by the prsonal service and calming atmosphere you find inside our walls. Let yourself be inspired and amazed by an unsurpassed wilderness from the many right and spacious rooms in the hotel.
A taste of the coast
We find it natural to focus on sea food, as the local food traditions are known for their high quality.
Knowledge of existing food cuture and new ways to prepare seafood means that we can fully use the locally availableprouce in innovaive and exciting ways. With unusual combinationsand new exciting flavours.
In the kitchen you will find skillful and enthusiastic chefs who create culinary experiences of high international standard. The menus are collated to give enjoyment and energy to challenge the nature outside.
As a member of the culinary network ”A taste of the coast” we can tempt you ith a taste experience only norwegian produce can provide. We areenthusiastic about lcal and organic foods, so you can take a taste of narture with a clean concience.
Quality Hotel & Resort Vøringfoss
5786 Eidfjord Norge Telefon: +47 53 67 41 00
Fax: +47 53 67 41 11