Quality Airport Hotel Stavanger
Sola, Norway
Quality Hotel Stavanger er et moderne konferansehotell beliggende ved Stavanger Lufthavn Sola i Rogaland. Som regionens største og mest moderne kurs- og konferansehotell er vi behjelpelig med gjennomføring av alle typer arrangement.
Quality Hotel Stavanger is a modern conference hotel situated by Stavanger Airport Sola in Rogaland. As the largest conference hotel in the region we offer a wide variety of modern conference rooms for any type of event. Our helpful staff ensure that your conference becomes a success.
The conference facilities consist of 19 rooms with a total capacity of up to 950 persons. Equipped with the latest of technological solutions we guaranteed an efficient and creative conference. Our helpful staff will always be available to solve any potential problems during the conference.
Located close to Stavanger Airport, the city of Stavanger, Forus, Tananger and Sandnes makes the hotel a popular choice for both conferences and relaxing weekends.
Situated close to the charming beach, Solastranden, Kvadrat shopping center, the Aviation Museum, the Archaeological Museum, Solastranden Golf Club and the Viking Stadium the hotel is popular for both conference and weekend guests.
After a demanding conference you deserve a tasteful meal. The elegant restaurant offers a light and relaxing atmosphere with a panoramic view of the airport. The restaurant is also excellent for weddings, private parties or other events.
At the end of the day you can gain new energy in the fully equipped gym with a soothing sauna.
Conference Stavanger
Quality Hotel Stavanger Airport
Quality Airport Hotel Stavanger
Sømmeveien 1 4050 Sola Norge Telefon: +47 51 94 20 00
Faks: +47 51 94 20 50